Admissions to Sandhill Primary
Do you want your child to join our wonderful and vibrant community? Please see below.
General Information
Sandhill Primary School follows Barnsley Local Authority Admission Arrangements.
Information relating to these arrangements and our adopted Local Authority (LA) policy can be found using the following link (please note it is crucial to read all of the relevant documentation on these pages).
Applications for places at Sandhill Primary School can be in accordance with the 'Co-ordinated Admission Arrangements' which forms part of the LA's published admission arrangements :
If you would like to apply for a place at Sandhill Primary School then we would strongly suggest that you visit the school and speak to staff, to get a feel of the school's ethos and vision on education, to see if it matches your own.
Please speak to Office staff to organise a convenient time to visit the school and speak to Mr J Haywood ( Headteacher).
If you know the school well and simply require support filling in the admission paperwork, do not hesitate to contact Olivia Stoppard (Parent Support Advisor) for help.
Our Admission Criteria, in line with that of the LA - what do I need to do if I want to apply?:
Sandhill Primary School children whose fifth birthday falls between 1 September and 31 August are admitted to Reception at the beginning of the Autumn term (September) of that academic year, usually on a full time basis.
Application forms for full time schooling can be collected from the main school Office or a place can simply be applied for online at the following addresses.
Please be aware that you are applying for a place at Sandhill Primary School through Admissions and Admissions decide on which children are placed where, not the school.
Further information can be gained from staff at Admissions on: 01226 773689/773588/773677/773506.
Please note that admission to Sandhill Primary School does NOT give the child preferential treatment or an automatic place in Reception. However, the School Admissions Code makes provision for all children to be admitted to school in the September following their fourth birthday. You will be offered a full-time place from September although parents will be able to access this entitlement through one of the following options.
Under rules issued by the Government, parents have the right to apply for a place at any school in Barnsley or surrounding district regardless of their address. To enable us to plan effectively for a child’s education it would be helpful if parents of pre-school children, who would like a place at our school, could register their child’s name with the LA at the appropriate time. Application forms can be found in the Authority’s Handbook, which will be distributed from the School or copies can be collected from the Education Department.
If the number of applications at the school exceeds the number of places available, the following over subscription criteria are used by the Local Authority to allocate places:
If you are applying for a place at Sandhill Primary for a Reception aged child and you are unsuccessful, Admissions will give your child a place at an alternative school. You have the right to appeal at this stage via the Education Committee to an Independent Appeals Tribunal, who will make the final decision. This will be a stage 1 Appeal if we have reached our maximum Admissions Number for that year and the class sizes are full at 30. It will be a stage 2 Appeal if we have reached our Admissions Number for that year, but class sizes are below 30. In the absence of an appeal, parents will be expected to approach the school setting given or an alternative one, in liaison with Barnsley Admissions.
If you want to apply mid year for a place at Sandhill Primary and your child is in years R-Y6, then the process is similar...please see further down this page for further information.
All decisions regarding the admission of children to school rest with the Local Authority. The school can not give an opinion of the likelihood of a particular child being admitted.
Our current school organisation:
Normally, children will be placed in classes according to their ability and/or chronological age, to ensure we have a mix in Reception classes. However, situations may arise when it would be impossible or even undesirable for a child to be placed in a certain class. The placement of any child in a particular class is at the discretion of the Headteacher.
Key Stage 1 class size at Sandhill Primary is something that parents should be aware of; full information is in the LA admissions booklet, a copy of which is available from the LA Admissions Section on Barnsley's LA website or available if you call 773689. In Key Stage 1, we are allowed legal class size limits of 30 (no more). As a result of this, we have to split year groups through Key Stage 1 and potentially through Key Stage 2 as classes with larger admission numbers (eg 45 and 50) transition in to key stage 2. This provides lots of benefits as we can mix the children in a way that is best for them :
General Information
Sandhill Primary School follows Barnsley Local Authority Admission Arrangements.
Information relating to these arrangements and our adopted Local Authority (LA) policy can be found using the following link (please note it is crucial to read all of the relevant documentation on these pages).
Applications for places at Sandhill Primary School can be in accordance with the 'Co-ordinated Admission Arrangements' which forms part of the LA's published admission arrangements :
If you would like to apply for a place at Sandhill Primary School then we would strongly suggest that you visit the school and speak to staff, to get a feel of the school's ethos and vision on education, to see if it matches your own.
Please speak to Office staff to organise a convenient time to visit the school and speak to Mr J Haywood ( Headteacher).
If you know the school well and simply require support filling in the admission paperwork, do not hesitate to contact Olivia Stoppard (Parent Support Advisor) for help.
Our Admission Criteria, in line with that of the LA - what do I need to do if I want to apply?:
Sandhill Primary School children whose fifth birthday falls between 1 September and 31 August are admitted to Reception at the beginning of the Autumn term (September) of that academic year, usually on a full time basis.
Application forms for full time schooling can be collected from the main school Office or a place can simply be applied for online at the following addresses.
Please be aware that you are applying for a place at Sandhill Primary School through Admissions and Admissions decide on which children are placed where, not the school.
Further information can be gained from staff at Admissions on: 01226 773689/773588/773677/773506.
Please note that admission to Sandhill Primary School does NOT give the child preferential treatment or an automatic place in Reception. However, the School Admissions Code makes provision for all children to be admitted to school in the September following their fourth birthday. You will be offered a full-time place from September although parents will be able to access this entitlement through one of the following options.
Under rules issued by the Government, parents have the right to apply for a place at any school in Barnsley or surrounding district regardless of their address. To enable us to plan effectively for a child’s education it would be helpful if parents of pre-school children, who would like a place at our school, could register their child’s name with the LA at the appropriate time. Application forms can be found in the Authority’s Handbook, which will be distributed from the School or copies can be collected from the Education Department.
If the number of applications at the school exceeds the number of places available, the following over subscription criteria are used by the Local Authority to allocate places:
- First, Children in Public Care
- Second, children who have a statement of special educational needs
- Third, children with brothers and/or sisters attending the school are considered first.
- Lastly, the distance between the child’s normal place of residence and the school is measured in a straight line on the map; the closest addresses gain places until the school is full.
If you are applying for a place at Sandhill Primary for a Reception aged child and you are unsuccessful, Admissions will give your child a place at an alternative school. You have the right to appeal at this stage via the Education Committee to an Independent Appeals Tribunal, who will make the final decision. This will be a stage 1 Appeal if we have reached our maximum Admissions Number for that year and the class sizes are full at 30. It will be a stage 2 Appeal if we have reached our Admissions Number for that year, but class sizes are below 30. In the absence of an appeal, parents will be expected to approach the school setting given or an alternative one, in liaison with Barnsley Admissions.
If you want to apply mid year for a place at Sandhill Primary and your child is in years R-Y6, then the process is similar...please see further down this page for further information.
All decisions regarding the admission of children to school rest with the Local Authority. The school can not give an opinion of the likelihood of a particular child being admitted.
Our current school organisation:
Normally, children will be placed in classes according to their ability and/or chronological age, to ensure we have a mix in Reception classes. However, situations may arise when it would be impossible or even undesirable for a child to be placed in a certain class. The placement of any child in a particular class is at the discretion of the Headteacher.
Key Stage 1 class size at Sandhill Primary is something that parents should be aware of; full information is in the LA admissions booklet, a copy of which is available from the LA Admissions Section on Barnsley's LA website or available if you call 773689. In Key Stage 1, we are allowed legal class size limits of 30 (no more). As a result of this, we have to split year groups through Key Stage 1 and potentially through Key Stage 2 as classes with larger admission numbers (eg 45 and 50) transition in to key stage 2. This provides lots of benefits as we can mix the children in a way that is best for them :
- with the teacher that we feel they'll respond best to
- with the preferred social groupings
- with children working at similar stages in their development.
In year application to Sandhill Primary School
On occasions, families apply for their children to be admitted to our school, for example if they have recently moved in to the LA and wish to move their child schools. These children might be in any year group from Reception to Year 6 and it may be at any point within the year. If this is the case, we recommend that you contact our main school Office and discuss a convenient time to come and look around school, to see if our school is the right one for your child and family. Mr Hickey is always happy to show parents around school and discuss any questions they might have. Once you have made a decision, we recommend that you contact Barnsley School Admissions on 01226 773689/773588/773677/773506. You will be issued with an application form to fill in and return to Admissions. Section 7 is for your previous Headteacher to fill in about key information relating to your child - School and Admissions will be able to support with this. Once this is completed, Admissions will contact us at school to see if we have any spaces (compared to our admissions number). If we are full at our admissions number, you will be able to go to appeal. At an appeal, an independent panel will listen to the LA's and the school's stance and will also listen to your own personal circumstances. The panel will then reach a decision and let you know within 5 working days of the appeal. If your child is granted a place at Sandhill Primary, then you should contact school as soon as possible, for us to arrange a starting date.
Applying for a school place if your child has an Education, Health and Care Plan or a Statement of SEN
Sandhill Primary School prides itself in being inclusive and will endeavour to support every pupil. We would love you to consider our school and we aim to meet the needs of all the children in our care.
We are committed to meeting the needs of all children including those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. We would ask parents/carers to discuss the identified needs with the school prior to starting so that appropriate intervention and support can be planned and implemented. Advice from the LA or other agencies may be requested to ensure the school can meet any needs appropriately.
If you would like to discuss moving a child to our school or are thinking of choosing our school for your child, please contact the school office who will direct you to the correct member of staff or please make an appointment to speak to our school Inclusion (Mrs E Prest).
If your child is in receipt of an EHCP, then it is important to state this at the point of application and the Admissions team will liaise with the SEN Team and the Leadership in school, to decide on whether or not the school can meet your child's needs. This will be part of a 15 day consultation period.
Update from Barnsley Local Authority:
In accordance with the School Admissions Regulations 2012 and the School Admissions Code, Sandhill Primary School is consulting on its proposed admission arrangements for 2025-26.
There are two minor changes to the admission arrangements:
-Where residency is shared 50:50, the address where the child is registered at the GP will be used
-Clarification on how parental disputes on school preferences are managed
Any comments on the admission arrangements should be emailed to [email protected] no later than Friday 5th January 2024.
The admission arrangements for Sandhill Primary School for 2025-26 will be determined by 28 February 2024 and will be published on the school’s website.
Please find below a link to the current and planned policies ('Admission Arrangements for Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools')
Please find below is our latest admissions policy::
On occasions, families apply for their children to be admitted to our school, for example if they have recently moved in to the LA and wish to move their child schools. These children might be in any year group from Reception to Year 6 and it may be at any point within the year. If this is the case, we recommend that you contact our main school Office and discuss a convenient time to come and look around school, to see if our school is the right one for your child and family. Mr Hickey is always happy to show parents around school and discuss any questions they might have. Once you have made a decision, we recommend that you contact Barnsley School Admissions on 01226 773689/773588/773677/773506. You will be issued with an application form to fill in and return to Admissions. Section 7 is for your previous Headteacher to fill in about key information relating to your child - School and Admissions will be able to support with this. Once this is completed, Admissions will contact us at school to see if we have any spaces (compared to our admissions number). If we are full at our admissions number, you will be able to go to appeal. At an appeal, an independent panel will listen to the LA's and the school's stance and will also listen to your own personal circumstances. The panel will then reach a decision and let you know within 5 working days of the appeal. If your child is granted a place at Sandhill Primary, then you should contact school as soon as possible, for us to arrange a starting date.
Applying for a school place if your child has an Education, Health and Care Plan or a Statement of SEN
Sandhill Primary School prides itself in being inclusive and will endeavour to support every pupil. We would love you to consider our school and we aim to meet the needs of all the children in our care.
We are committed to meeting the needs of all children including those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. We would ask parents/carers to discuss the identified needs with the school prior to starting so that appropriate intervention and support can be planned and implemented. Advice from the LA or other agencies may be requested to ensure the school can meet any needs appropriately.
If you would like to discuss moving a child to our school or are thinking of choosing our school for your child, please contact the school office who will direct you to the correct member of staff or please make an appointment to speak to our school Inclusion (Mrs E Prest).
If your child is in receipt of an EHCP, then it is important to state this at the point of application and the Admissions team will liaise with the SEN Team and the Leadership in school, to decide on whether or not the school can meet your child's needs. This will be part of a 15 day consultation period.
Update from Barnsley Local Authority:
In accordance with the School Admissions Regulations 2012 and the School Admissions Code, Sandhill Primary School is consulting on its proposed admission arrangements for 2025-26.
There are two minor changes to the admission arrangements:
-Where residency is shared 50:50, the address where the child is registered at the GP will be used
-Clarification on how parental disputes on school preferences are managed
Any comments on the admission arrangements should be emailed to [email protected] no later than Friday 5th January 2024.
The admission arrangements for Sandhill Primary School for 2025-26 will be determined by 28 February 2024 and will be published on the school’s website.
Please find below a link to the current and planned policies ('Admission Arrangements for Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools')
Please find below is our latest admissions policy::