Computing at Sandhill Primary
The Computing Leader is Mr S Walters
Sandhill Primary School aims to provide all pupils with a Computing curriculum that not only builds on their skills and knowledge in technology but also provides them with skills applicable to life. We aim to produce computer literate individuals who are ready to go into an ever-developing digital world and thrive. At Sandhill pupils are given a high-quality Computing curriculum which offers them the chance to become familiar with a range of technology including iPads, desktop computers, programmable robots and interactive whiteboards. The curriculum enables children to Write algorithms and detect errors in them Write and debug programs Use the internet effectively and evaluate the quality of the content Use a variety of programs to create content and to store, analyse, sort and present data.
Wherever possible cross-curricular links are made across the subjects and technology is used to enhance, aid and engage pupils in a variety of subjects including; Maths, Literacy, History, Science and Art and Design. Our curriculum also develops life skills such as; problems solving, decision making, resilience, questioning and divergent thinking. In our ever-changing society technology now poses more dangers than ever before.
At Sandhill we endeavour for our pupils to be able to make safe, informed choices in the digital world, therefore E-safety is a large part of our Computing Curriculum. Children are taught about the various dangers online, how to avoid or deal with these and how their actions create an online footprint. Children are also encouraged to become good online citizens thinking about how their words and actions can affect not only themselves but others too. They treat other users with dignity and respect.
At Sandhill we endeavour for our pupils to be able to make safe, informed choices in the digital world, therefore E-safety is a large part of our Computing Curriculum. Children are taught about the various dangers online, how to avoid or deal with these and how their actions create an online footprint. Children are also encouraged to become good online citizens thinking about how their words and actions can affect not only themselves but others too. They treat other users with dignity and respect.
E-Safety at Sandhill Primary
Sandhill Primary is committed to safeguarding all members of the school community. The internet and other digital and information technologies are greatly beneficial tools to children’s learning, but children need to be aware of how to use these tools appropriately and safely. Our school educates children, parents and staff about the benefits, risks and responsibilities of using information technology.
Supporting children to understand how to use the internet and associated technologies safely is an integral part of day to day learning when using internet-enabled devices in school. All teaching staff and teaching support staff access regular eSafety training to ensure that they are up to date in their knowledge and approaches. Our iPads, laptops and PCs have wallpaper set to show eSafety rules and reminders as a constant prompt for pupils. We monitor the impact of our eSafety approaches through an annual questionnaire for KS2 pupils. This also helps to inform future planning so that we ensure we address the issues and technologies that are most relevant to our children.
Please do not hesitate to contact school if you have any concerns about your children's internet use.
Supporting children to understand how to use the internet and associated technologies safely is an integral part of day to day learning when using internet-enabled devices in school. All teaching staff and teaching support staff access regular eSafety training to ensure that they are up to date in their knowledge and approaches. Our iPads, laptops and PCs have wallpaper set to show eSafety rules and reminders as a constant prompt for pupils. We monitor the impact of our eSafety approaches through an annual questionnaire for KS2 pupils. This also helps to inform future planning so that we ensure we address the issues and technologies that are most relevant to our children.
Please do not hesitate to contact school if you have any concerns about your children's internet use.
This website is lead by CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre), which works with child protection partners across the UK and overseas to identify the main threats to children and coordinates activity against these threats to bring offenders to account. Their job is to protect children from harm online and offline, directly through NCA led operations and in partnership with local and international agencies. Through the Think You Know website, both children and parents can report any online abuse and get advice and help.. |
Beware of Lurking Trolls is a campaign designed to help protect children from online harm. It centres around a storybook Peril of the Possessed Pets and is used in primary schools with children aged 7 to 11 years.. It uses child speak and child like characters to explain behaviours displayed online |
NATIONAL ONLINE SAFETY ADVICE If you need some advice and support about online safety, different social media or gaming platforms, there are many guides on the National Online Safety (NOS) website. There is also access to training for parents. To access this support, click on the logo. Below are leaflets produced by NOS that parents may find useful to read and shared with their children: |
Below is some recent information that has been published by National Online Safety.
The hardest part for a parent can be having conversations about internet safety. The leaflet below offers some question prompts to help parents start having a conversation with their child about online safety.
The hardest part for a parent can be having conversations about internet safety. The leaflet below offers some question prompts to help parents start having a conversation with their child about online safety.