Inclusion Lead and PSA
Inclusion Lead
My name is Mrs Emma Prest. I am the Inclusion Lead at Sandhill Primary and I also teach Year 3/4. As SENCO, I am responsible for assisting class teachers to identify those children who may be struggling at school and helping provide support to meet their needs. My role involves working with children, teachers, learning support assistants, parents and outside agencies such as the school nurse, speech therapies and educational psychologists. I monitor the provision children access to ensure needs are being met. I am available Monday- Wednesday. If you would like to make an appointment, I can be contacted via the school office on 01226 345030. Parent Support Advisor [PSA]
Our Parent Support Advisor [PSA] is Miss Olivia Stoppard My name is Olivia Stoppard and I am the Parent Support Adviser at Sandhill Primary. I am approachable for any problems or queries you may have, whether it is school related or not. You can contact me through school by telephone or on site. I will be available during school hours or appointments can be made. I am able to offer support on: -Helping to improve your child’s behaviour by offering support and advice. -Dealing with friendship worries -Coping with bereavement and trauma -Help improve your child’s attendance. -Accessing support when families face a wide range of issues such as eviction, unemployment, domestic violence and mental heath crises. Tea and Coffee morning will run every Thursday 9:00-10:00. During these sessions, I will be available to offer support and advice to you and your family. |