Safeguarding at Sandhill Primary
At Sandhill Primary School we believe that rigid and robust safeguarding procedures are paramount to ensure that parents know their children are protected and children feel safe and secure and know what to do when they are worried or concerned.
The school has a robust Safeguarding & Child Protection Policy and associated procedures and we aim to ensure that the safety and wellbeing of children is at the heart of everything that we do.. The Designated Safeguarding Leads are:
What to do if you worry about a child being abused
Any concerned parents or carers who wish to report their concerns about abuse, can also call the following numbers:
- call children's social care on (01226) 438830 / 772423 to report child abuse
- call adult social care on (01226) 773300 to report adult abuse
Out of office hours, or if your call is urgent, call our emergency duty team on 08449841800 (for both child and adult abuse).The NSPCC provides advice and support to adults who are concerned about the safety or welfare of a child. They are available 24 hours a day.
Children, if you have a worry or concern, speak to any member of staff - or call Childline on 0800 1111 - they will offer advice and support whatever your worry is.
- call children's social care on (01226) 438830 / 772423 to report child abuse
- call adult social care on (01226) 773300 to report adult abuse
Out of office hours, or if your call is urgent, call our emergency duty team on 08449841800 (for both child and adult abuse).The NSPCC provides advice and support to adults who are concerned about the safety or welfare of a child. They are available 24 hours a day.
Children, if you have a worry or concern, speak to any member of staff - or call Childline on 0800 1111 - they will offer advice and support whatever your worry is.
Click here to get advice about talking to your child about the pants rule.
Click here to get advice from the Childline Website
Operation Encompass
Children who are affected by domestic abuse don’t have to suffer in silence. Operation Encompass enables Key Adults in school, Police and teams within Barnsley Metropolitan District Council, to work together to help children feel safe, secure and receive appropriate support.
For more information, please visit the Operation Encompass website: |